
24/7 hour services for large animals in Newton Stewart and Stranraer

  • Flock Health Club
  • Bull/Tup Fertility Testing
  • Comprehensive Herd Health Planning
  • Farm Drugs Available Daily
  • Mastitis
  • Lameness
  • Traditional Clinical Services & Emergency Services
  • Routine Fertility Visits + Ultrasound Scanning
  • Rumen Health Visit
  • Training Workshops on Farm + "Farmer's Meetings"

Flock Health Club

The Flock Health Club meets quarterly to discuss relevant topics and share performance data. The aim is to develop a more pro-active approach to sheep health and therefore improve flock productivity. Club members also receive a free veterinary visit per year as well as discounts on disease investigations such as blood sampling and postmortems. Monthly subscription cost £20.98 + VAT. If you are interested in joining, please call the surgery.

What’s included?

  • One FREE visit to do a FREE HEALTH PLAN
  • UNLIMITED postmortems at the surgery (Samples sent to external labs will we chargeable)
  • 2 FREE faecal worm egg counts (in house)
  • 6 blood samples for trace elements; Selenium, Copper and Cobalt (no Iodine)

Bull/Tup Fertility Testing

We have experienced vets who can offer accurate fertility testing of bulls or tups. Though true infertility is rare, more than 1 in 5 bulls in the UK are sub-fertile. Sub-fertile bulls and tups drain profits by extending calving/lambing periods and increasing non-pregnant culls. We have electro-ejaculator equipment which is a quick, safe method of collecting semen. A heated microscope allow rapid on farm feedback with further examination at our in house lab allowing results within 24 hours.

Comprehensive Herd Health Planning

Herd health planning to conform to Red Tractor standards and consultancy to improve your on-farm disease control and productivity.
We use My Healthy Herd an online tool that allows cattle farmers and vets to work together in the implementation of successful herd health management programs promoting better health and improved profitability.

Farm Drugs Available Daily

All veterinary medicines are available during normal surgery opening hours and by prior arrangement outwith these times. We receive daily deliveries to ensure we have sufficient stock to meet your needs. By prior arrangement and when we are in your area drugs can be delivered FREE to your door.


We have two vets fully trained to deliver the AHDB mastitis control plan (MCP). The AHDB MCP is a proven, structured, evidence-based, nationwide approach to mastitis prevention and control in dairy cattle. So be it an increase in clinical cases, somatic cell count or simply a case of 'fine tuning' your mastitis control we can help you reduce the impact of this costly disease. For further information please click here.


We have two in house Mobility Mentors that offer the AHDB dairy Healthy Feet Programme (DHFP). The DHFP aims to help dairy farmers reduce the number of lame cows on their farms by identifying and applying the right management techniques. One part of this is mobility scoring which is being requested by milk producers as part of health planning and may soon become compulsory. Please contact Ian McDonald for further information.


Traditional Clinical Services & Emergency Services

Our team of 10 vets provide an excellent 24 hours emergency service. We have two vets on call 24 hours a day to ensure a rapid response to emergencies.

Routine Fertility Visits + Ultrasound Scanning

We have several mobile ultrasound scanners for accurate pregnancy diagnosis and fertility work. We can not only diagnose pregnancy, but also offer a wide range of modern fertility treatments and synchrnoisation programmes to get your cows back in calf quickly. We offer thorough investigation of any herd fertility problems.

Rumen Health Visit

A new service available to progressive dairy farm clients. For more information conatct the surgery and ask to speak to Ian McDonald.

Training Workshops on Farm + "Farmer's Meetings"

Regular training and education offered to keep you up-to-date with current issues and to promote good disease managment.

Breeding Advice and Genomics

Breeding Advice and Genomics

It is good practice to seek the advice of professionals when breeding.

Young Stock Club

Young Stock Club

The young stock needs more care and attention.