Heather McKie

Practice Manager

Heather McKie - Practice manager
Heather McKie BSC Practice manager

I started work at the practice in 2002 as a receptionist. I have worked my way up to become Practice Manager and have the pleasure of trying to ensure the smooth running of this busy practice!!! I have lived in the area all my life, excluding four years studying Animal Science at Stirling University and the Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive. I am married to a local farmer and enjoy helping out on the farm and have a keen interest in all aspects of rural life.

I currently work part time, well at the practice anyway. When I go home my 8 year old twin boys, Logan and Archie keep me very busy! If I have any free time I like to spend it outdoors, in the garden, on the farm or walking! I also enjoy socialising with my family and friends. I have a cat called Smirnoff, named before I matured (slightly) and diversified onto gin! I also have two tortoises Harry & Ginny.