Specialist treatments for horses, cats and dogs
We are delighted to announce the arrival of a new Class 4 MLS laser, which allows us to provide new treatment modules for horses, cats and dogs and takes us into the 21st century of care for your animals.
Laser therapy or photo modulation uses light of specific wavelengths to stimulate cells in injured areas to increase local oxygenation and cell metabolism which results in accelerated healing at the specific site. The effects include reduced pain, increased circulation and decreased swelling oedema.
It is a totally painless procedure and animals do not require sedation, most treatments last 2 to 8 minutes per site and most treatment programs are twice weekly treatments for 3 weeks with follow up treatment plans tailor made for each condition.
The laser is ideal for acute and chronic injuries, osteoarthritic treatments, enhanced wound healing, and reducing swelling after operations and also for infected or non-healing wounds.
The laser is portable and can be used on horses, cat and dogs either in a stable setting or in the practice.